Course Overview
About Hope Alive Training
Hope Alive trainees study to understand the origin of basic conflicts, why tragedies repeat from one generation to another and how treatment works. The training is experiential and the trainees learn much about themselves. They study the conceptual framework and scientific data and scripture on which the Hope Alive program is based.
These include:
- theoretical basis (Psychology of Created Humanity)
- elaboration of false faces
- a child’s blueprint
- fragmentation of the self
- tragic triangles of abuse and neglect
- reasons for pregnancy loss
- transgenerational tragedy
- original & alternative plan for humanity
- universal ethic of mutual benefit
- why and how children are scapegoated
- understanding abnormal grief
- ten types of post-abortion survivor syndrome
Unique Hope Alive treatment techniques including:
- asserting your authentic self
- tracing and analyzing triggers
- identifying & grieving aborted siblings
- visual parables
- analyzing patterns from a family tree
- practical reconciliation
- key conflict identification and analysis
- breaking free of double binds
- attenuating unwanted pair bonds
- rehumanising & grieving pregnancy losses
- group assessment of tragedy contribution
- desensitizing triggers
- dealing with existential guilt
- realize the impact of existential guilt
- describing and discarding Dancer and Urchin
- identifying and asserting the pilgrim
- passing through despair
- mourning the Person I Should Have Become and other losses
- rediscovering joy
- grieving disabled and dead children
- negotiating realistic expectations
- reconciliation with Perpetrator, Observer, Victim and God
- celebrating life without fear
- accepting and giving an existential welcome
- remembering and analyzing traumatic experiences
- using the lessons from a painful past to guide others
- decision making
- helping others fully participate in life
- saying ‘good’ good-byes
Plus, more standard techniques, including:
- operant conditioning
- psychodrama
- group conflict analysis
- modelling
- group dream analysis
- controlling fear and rage